Kelvin Kuan

New Frontiers are Our Future

Throughout history, there have always been times where people were required to relocate from increasingly disadvantaged environments into new frontiers for survival or for better opportunities to thrive. In all these times, current

Futureproof Education

Futureproof Fundamentals series: Relocate. Retool. Regroup. Futureproof Foundation series: Authority. Vitality. Relevancy. Optionality. Futureproof Frontier series: Explore. Enjoy. Expand. The Futureproof Experience+Decision Events. 💡The most sustainable long-term solutions in life come down

Futureproof Manifesto

At Futureproof.Town, we believe in solutions for the future that start today, and that means taking action in present moments to create and contribute momentum towards our personal best FutureSelf. 1. FUTURESELF:

Futureproof Fundamentals.

In many ways, there is an element of survival and natural selection throughout our collective human history. There is balance and order (in a natural or Divine way). Those who are willing and