This is true.
But to be clear, I didn't say "Your FutureSelf is determined" or "Your FutureSelf is decided".
No matter what, your FutureSelf is not decided
"Equip Yourself" is a phrase I use to refer to re-humanizing education with relevant learning and retooling in order to have confidence to deal with whatever happens.
The important practice to
"Authorize Yourself" is a phrase I use to mean the practice of exercising choice consciously and thereby experiencing the power of personal discretion and courage.
This is incredibly important as one
"Take Care of Yourself" is a phrase we have all heard before, and it became more real to me over the years as a powerful Futureproof Foundation for ensuring one'
"Value Yourself" is a phrase I use to refer to the willingness to shift, rediscover, and make changes to make progress.
This shift can be external (geographical), internal (existential state), and