Futureproof Foundation pillar of Optionality: for Food

Futureproof Foundation pillar of Optionality: for Food

"Relocate Yourself" is a phrase I use to refer to the willingness to shift, rediscover, and make changes to make progress.

This shift can be external (geographical), internal (existential state), and these days, even online (beyond time and space): click!

For example,
it can be a physically shift to a external location, to a different living environment;
it can be an internal shift to inquire and understand aspects of yourself that can be challenged to grow;
it can be an online shift such as learning new digital tools with new ways to offer products and services, and new setups to work and to earn.

When done with a healthy intention, one is able to open up a range of optionality, because of the willingness to change, shift and rediscover new aspects and opportunities that may have previously been hidden, overlooked, or even unavailable.

The important practice to "Relocate Yourself": click!

This is so important because history shows us that successful survival behaviors include adaptation and those willing to change. In fact, those who are not willing to relocate do not survive the challenges, changes and crises that emerge. Hence, it is a foundational pillar to Futureproofing oneself.

Keeping this in mind, that those unwilling to relocate themselves and change will eventually run out of options, then let us consider that our current historical existence affords us a very fascinating possible existential state which I will talk about now. It is an online existential state that allows one to transcend time and space while still existing offline within time and space. In a previous time, we never had this tool to access an existence that allowed us to live between two realms. Now, we can.
And I will make a case that we must.

I am talking about the existence of the internet as a tool that is continuing to emerge and will continue to do so. And on a superficial glance, one can talk about the negative aspects of this tool. But just like any tool, it is not the tool that is inherently good or evil, but rather the human who wields the tool that imbues the tool with characteristics that reflect its user. This is a universal principle. And it is true of every single tool that has ever emerged throughout history. A gun is a tool. A knife is a tool. Money is a tool. Every tool takes on the characteristics and purposes of the human being utilizing it.

A tool (like technology) allows us to exponentially increase output size, speed, and quantity. This is their only purpose. But it is us, as sentient human beings, whose purpose it is to decide the direction and vision in which to apply these tools. So let us look at the internet as a tool in the most objective way. For the most part, it enables us to transact without limitations of time and space. And here is my case for its use by anyone and everyone who wants a chance to escape the debt enslavement that is being pushed across our societies. Think about that.

If you exist in the "offline" realm, your work is limited by time and space. You only have so many hours in a day to work before you burnout. Your physical, mental and emotional capacity can only handle a certain fixed number of hours before you start suffering deterioration. Next, you are limited by space and location. You can only be in one place at one time. If you had a business or company in the "offline" realm, your rental cost would continue to increase if you wanted to expand your space to handle more work. So all work and all business in this "offline" realm is subjected to the limits of time and space.

On the other hand, using the online tool of the internet, you can now transcend time and space, allowing you to offer products and services 24/7 anywhere, and to automate the delivery of those products and services. This becomes even more incredible if those products and services are digital because then it's immediate delivery without delay, and without shipping costs. Payment is directly to any bank account via an increasing number of reliable payment gateways that accept any fiat currency and even cryptographic currency for those who prefer to receive payment in that form. The internet allows for optimized and advantageous retooling in so many ways. But alas, not everyone realizes this yet. And they still focus on "offline" efforts, which are increasingly out-advantaged by online tools that enable automation.

In order to experience the kind of optionality that not only enables survival but empowers thriving through an increasingly debt-enslaved society, one must be willing to change, willing to relocate online, and willing to retool, and willing to shift and rediscover a different existential state that utilizes newer tools and a different (newer) way of living between two realms.

When we strategize and implement an Independent Futureproof Setup, we consider the 3 important ways to "Relocate"; online, internally, and externally.

Constructing your pillar of Optionality for Food: click!

In "The Futureproof Way", we talked about city-society system dependencies that keep us in a DUST state. When it comes to Food, it would be wise to not completely rely on a city-society's addictively-processed consumption system which ultimately lead to dependencies because of their addictive-additives, convenience, and inevitable inherent compromises within the mass-production equation. If your true goal is cleaner nutritional fuel and better internal power without cravings, you are better off developing a plan of action for identifying, sourcing, and concocting your own nutrient-ingredients for preparing your own meal-fuel.

"Relocate Yourself" for personal optionality is the personal willingness and courage to make decisions and make changes to progress toward better options for your livelihood and your FutureSelf. Having your own Independent Futureproof Setup of Optionality for Food is making clear progress by making conscious changes to better refuel yourself and empower your LifeFlow.

This sets you on the path towards independent options for better personal energy, as you take responsibility for your energy levels by paying attention to get better refueling that better empower your own life, and even being willing to make changes in your own living to experience progress in your own life.

This is a necessary pillar to construct and path to trek these days. And we have no excuse with the connections, groups, and assistance available to use for our own futureproofing, and that of our loved ones.

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Start here: The Futureproof Way
Autonomy: Futureproof for WORK.
Relevancy: Futureproof for EDUCATION.
Vitality: Futureproof for HEALTHCARE.
>Optionality: Futureproof for FOOD.
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