

Developing Architecture for Futureproofing that lead to lasting solutions, rather than quick fixes.

Why We Work and What We Do:

We Work Towards Futureproof Independence.
We train those we work with, to work towards independence
by investing in their FutureSelf to insure their Future

Who We Work With:

Pioneers (Online Educators)
Parents (concerned about current schooling limitations)
People (who are stressed, overwhelmed, burnt-out)
Professionals (desiring self-sufficiency)
Pre-Retirement Mid-Lifers (considering their place in the future)

Pioneers (Online Educators)

Problems and Concerns include:

  • Over-reliance on big tech platforms is dangerous, given the possibility of losing it all or being a slave to the ever-changing algorithm, and each day that goes by without them building an active and engaged community is another day with the risk that anything could happen the next day.
  • There are opportunity costs to not having an online town structure:
    1. their work is never fully established in an organized way that is primed for healthy and steady expansion.
    2. their viewers aren’t trained and mentored to multiply their work for further impact.
    3. they aren't as effective and efficient as possible for both impact and income.
    4. they aren’t building IP and assets that can convert their reach into resources for a worldwide movement.
  • Subscribers and Commenters, just like fans and followers, may be engaged momentarily or occasionally, but fall away over time, because they haven't been engaged in a way (within a dedicated space) that can provide a constant and consistently interactive (and dynamic) progression where they are trained and mentored in the work (that drew them to the YouTube channel educator in the first place) to become effective to others, thereby spreading the impact of that work and bringing in more serious learners and practitioners.

Pioneers (Online Educators) are aware of the failures and inadequacies of the current status quo academic institutions and perhaps have even experienced rejection from these established but outdated education gate-keepers who try to prevent better methods, insights, and practices from emerging simply to preserve their own place and benefits within the current status quo.

But now, this access to the internet is causing a wave of humans who are hungry for truly life-changing education, and are willing to be trained and mentored in valuable and relevant wisdom, knowledge, and skills through education channels, so it would be a letdown and waste to not establish training for the educational work of Pioneers (Online Educators) to effectively and efficiently train and mentor this wave (and coming waves) of humans who now have access to learning beyond the confines of the status quo institutions.

The way that we futureproof pioneers (online educators) would be to architecture their online education town and training studio in order to accommodate and grow a community around their educational work.

We believe that training studios will be more prevalent in the future since they challenge the tediously long schooling systems.

Contact us if you are a pioneer (online educator) and this resonates with you and we can talk more about personalizing an online education town and training studio around your work. You can also obtain this special package below to know why this way is important for the future of independent online educators.

Online Educators Futureproof Package (Digital)
This special package is for online educators (coaches, trainers, consultants, teachers, authors, speakers, and experts in their field) who have an audience that is subscribed to and interested in their work of imparting valuable knowledge, information and insights for positive impact. Whatever online platform or tool that online educators use for engaging their audience, they are vitally important because they represent the emerging freedom for many around the world to learn useful and relevant things that were not taught in schools, or too academic for any practical good. THIS SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE PACKAGE INCLUDES1. The book “Futureproof Your Work”, which is specifically written for and dedicated to online educators, aims to futureproof Educators so that their work lives on. These online educators are referred to as “Pioneers” because of their willingness to go into new frontiers of the digital world to reach more people with their valuable expertise). The book champions online educators with a convincing proposal and clear blueprint for structuring their own online “town” community in order to truly establish their work into the future and expand its impact through structured synergy that comes from having an educational town community. 2. The “Reflections from Reader” workbook that serves as a personalized application to every chapter of the book. This workbook is not available for sale anywhere else, and is strictly an exclusive here that comes packaged with the book itself. Readers will benefit tremendously by using it as they go through each chapter of the main book. 3. The only direct link to a secret page on the Optimal.Today website which lets those who have purchased this package (and read the book and used the workbook) to apply for subsidized-pricing consideration towards Futureproof TownArchitecture services.This link is on the last page of the “Reflections from Reader” workbook (PDF file). Click the link and you will be directed to the secret page with the application form . This is not available anywhere else, and not publicly displayed on the Optimal.Today website. It’s a hidden link that is only found on the workbook’s page. The book is in epub file format which is the standard digital book format, and can be read on any digital device. The workbook is in pdf file format which can be opened by any digital device, and printable as well. Contact the author for Q&A.Email info@optimal.todayTelegram direct message @optimaltoday

(concerned about current schooling limitations)

Does she know her life is another 15 years of this?
Why Does This System Continue Even With The Severe Limitations and Damages to Human Flourishing?

Problems and Concerns include:

  • 15 years minimum for a child (from primary to tertiary schooling) is a long, non-prison sentence, to be put away into a system that you are betting on—for their future, and on their behalf. This time-locked bet is on future relevance.
  • 15 years in socioeconomic and technology development cycles far outpace academic curriculum, testing, and relevance; and it's increasing, to the point where freely available tools will make outdated systems irrelevant and obsolete.
  • These status quo academic institutions and processes are so outpaced by technology and future-relevant skills and knowledge that by the time your child actually gets their university certification, it could have diminished in value and relevance. With the rapid way things are changing, it wouldn’t be surprising for old and current jobs to be replaced by new ways of working that apply new tools to the same problems that were previously solved by those certain "jobs".
  • Learning tools and new ways of working require being trained in the present with the actual application and practice of these emerging tools and methods, rather than over longer periods of academic study. These academic institutions are like huge ships that aren’t nimble, while training studios that will become more prevalent in the coming years are more adaptable and provide the most updated, relevant, and useful training that is needed.

Our Futureproof set of comprehensive solutions for Parents is based on deconstructing the process of making a livelihood and living a fulfilling life, which most people have never done or even considered. It's never done on an individual level, and certainly not done or practiced on a societal level.

We introduce Futureproof ValueArchitecture as the basis for livelihood and fulfillment, and we train them to realize that life is completely based on Value; with the exchange cycle of value done through Learning (and packaging), Trading (by offering with sincerity), then Earning (and reinvesting) from which one derives a livelihood and fulfilling life.

This liberates Parents' thinking from an outdated attachment to the linear process of schooling that is increasingly outpaced, irrelevant, and becoming too narrow a funnel for the masses to be able to individually have a livelihood and live in a fulfilling way; and opens up the possibility of considering what emerging tools and methods are available for their children to invest their time, energy, and effort into that is and will continue to be future-relevant.

(who are stressed, overwhelmed, burned-out)

People in city-societies commonly feeling stressed, overwhelmed, burnt-out.

Problems and Concerns include:

  • A lingering pain point comes from existing in life without a context, and hence without clarity to discover or determine a meaningful purpose.
  • The masses in city-societies often experience a sub-optimal human existence that borders on being inhumane or even anti-human (partially from the roots of schooling as a cog-conditioning process for industrial jobs which still exist today within most corporate structures that still operate with outdated linear processes).
  • The growing disconnect (from self and what it means to be human) from decades of this process in conditioning individuals to function as cogs within city systems (of work and relating) lead to gradual dehumanization and loss of a sense of self and the increasing dread of a life passing away without a conscious connection to their being.
  • This leads to unconscious anxiety, existential dread, and attempts to distract through consumption and numb through pleasure, causing the inner state to become even more desperate, depressed or in despair, which could devolve into cycles of dependency (addiction as coping strategy) and distraction (avoidance as coping strategy), and further spiral into depression or aggression, when the cycles are repeatedly peddled like a bicycle wheel.
  • What is even more diabolical is the fact that city-societies profit from all this, where the predictable collapse of individual well-being across the masses in society creates profitable dependencies on those who manufacture coping mechanisms and also on those who gain their power to rule over society by blaming others and keeping the focus on external issues, thereby maintaining a predictable consumptive-ruling cycle of enslavement economics.
  • These patterns exist and are perpetuated in city-societies with a “profit at the expense of” approach that has been so deeply conditioned over time into those who live within city societies that it’s hardly any surprise that they feel (or are even afraid to feel) the void that exists within them (in the form of a disconnect) between their inner humanity and the inhumane aspects of their city-society; with these unresolved conflicts making it a struggle and impossibility to have a fulfilling and healthy FutureSelf unless they become aware of this and consciously make certain decisions.
Our Futureproof set of comprehensive solutions for People (feeling stressed, overwhelmed, burnt-out, and depressed) includes the Futureproof LifeArchitecture—which gives Context, Clarity, and Charge to:
1. deconstruct the lasting effects on their true selves, from the impact of conditioning through processes in schooling, society, and economic (exploitation and enslavement) to only serve cycles of consumption, even to the detriment of their individual well-being and eventual alienation from their truest (human) self.
2. practically construct a life that rehumanizes them for fulfillment, by having a livelihood and living a life that uncovers their individual personality configuration, and optimizes it for their FutureSelf.

(desiring eventual self-sufficiency)

Professional Pain

Problems and Concerns include:

  • Stuck in the confines of job parameters, professionals gradually become less useful and relevant outside of the narrow scope of their job.
  • This was the original intention during the advent of the industrial age because humans were trained specifically to function mechanically as cogs in a linear (conveyor-belt) way within a machine that served the purpose of only replicating the exact same output.
  • Even though society has evolved from then, the systems of work have retained their outdated structure, rendering individuals to jobs with specific tasks that only matter and fit as a particular cog in relation to other micro-parts.
  • This makes the individual useless outside of their professional job scope.
  • This is the inner unconscious insecurity that plagues corporate professionals and causes such eventual disillusionment, especially when they’ve outgrown the limits of their fixed responsibilities, and bored as they become increasingly aware of their job scope’s mundane and even redundant aspects.
  • Yet, they feel trapped and can’t leave because they don’t know how to do anything else outside their job scope.
  • Henry Thoreau’s observation (in 1854!) that “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation” is still poignantly true today (likely because society has kept the same linear cog-in-the machine process that outputs productivity with the same side effects that hasn’t changed since then). 
  • His apt observation back then still describes today’s post-industrial corporate structure that confines men in such a predictably productive way (like chained rowers on a ship) that also locks them to go down with the ship when change makes certain industries, jobs, roles and skills less relevant and even obsolete.
Our Futureproof set of solutions for Professionals (desiring to work towards options for self-sufficient income) includes getting them to focus on consolidating all their experiences and expertise towards mentorship (which I consider a timelessly relevant skill) that can be easily monetized as consultancy, training, and coaching.

Pre-Retirement 50-65 year olds

Problems and Concerns include:

  • Being future-unsure about being displaced or replaced in their coming days.
  • The inner question of “Where Do I Belong (in society)?” and “How Do I Belong (in society) as I age?” is often unconscious and not asked, yet lingering deep in the subconscious, creating unease and often a prolonged aversion to getting older and decline in genuine joy.

Our Futureproof set of comprehensive solutions for Pre-Retirement 50-60 year olds is to deconstruct the idea of “Retirement” and link it with “Repurposing”, and to train their mindset towards a second-wind approach to seeing that they are entering the phase of eldership (which is hardly acknowledged or celebrated in city-societies but is, in fact, sacred to all cultures in community-based societies).

We will focus on the vital place, position, and purpose of Eldership and how to step into its state with the empowered understanding that their ancestors are counting on them, and so are their descendants.

We will offer the Futureproof TimelessValue series for Human Relevance where we will talk about Eldership in terms of Mentorship and translate that into both their personal and professional lives with how they engage others and the world around them, in a repurposed and rightfully confident way.

We will also train them in the absolute essentials for digital literacy with specific application to Eldership and Mentorship, thereby making it relevant and valuable in a directly personal and professional way.

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Start here: The Futureproof Way
Autonomy: Futureproof for WORK.
Relevancy: Futureproof for EDUCATION.
Vitality: Futureproof for HEALTHCARE.
Optionality: Futureproof for FOOD.
Campfire: Insights on The Futureproof Way

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