Current Challenges

Current Challenges

We are in a pivotal time in present history, where changes are happening at such an exponential rate that methods and institutions are being outpaced and becoming outdated in real-time as people's ability and willingness to keep up are tested. >

In 1965, Gordon E. Moore, the co-founder of Intel, made an observation that eventually became known as Moore's Law, which states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles about every two years with a minimal cost increase, which would cause the growth of microprocessors to occur exponentially. This observation and extrapolation made by Moore has held steady and proved true since 1965.

Those who lived through the 80s to the present day can attest to the exponential changes felt in a very real way, whether in media and communications or in education and work. Even in how we relate and interact, the dynamics have changed in both healthy and unhealthy ways.

And these changes will continue... >

But what hasn't changed is what makes us human, what we value as humans, and how we survived throughout human history. The patterns of survival are the same: adaptation with new tools, relocation to new frontiers, and formation of new towns and communities. These actions that our ancestors took enabled survival.
Their actions were Futureproof.

And just like them, across different parts of the world, across various historical transitions between the rise and decline of different empires, we too are experiencing these similar shifts in power and the consequent struggles and conflicts to maintain control.

The increasingly evident exposure of corruption is also in keeping with empires of the past that were on their decline.

...while we are Dependent, Unwell, Spinning, and Trapped in city-society systems that grip the 4 societal pillars of work, education, healthcare, and food. These specific systems of job-salary employment, academic schooling, medical-pharma-hospitalization, addictive-processed-consumption severely require challenging and a return to first principles for an updated reform.

Our living and livelihood are so unquestioningly entrenched in these current systems that have gradually become bloated, outdated, and corrupted over the decades, yet we still go along; we still suffer along.

The collective levels of stress within city-societies have gone up all across, as these systems continue to show their increasing limitations and failures for individual end-users, and reducing the mass majority to DUST which ultimately benefit the few who run the systems.

Some may feel overwhelmed as they start to notice these challenges have been stacking up with these (unexpected and seemingly unstoppable) changes taking place over the past decade, and the feeling of being DUST in city-society.

So we must stop ignoring. We must pay attention, and we must act. >

Over decades, we have gone from community-societies to city-societies, with implemented systems that have gone from being appropriate and effective to now being overbearing and overly entrenched that it feels necessary to use them, yet enslaves us when we depend on them.

History warns us of dependencies that lead to enslavement and and also shows us the way of escape, through the actions of our ancestors. What they did obviously worked because we are here as proof of their escape and survival! So, what did they do? How did they survive into their future? Well, since their future is our past, we can look back throughout history and note the patterns.

There are some common patterns throughout historical survival; and here at, we refer to them as Futureproof Fundamentals. We identify and implement three of these patterns, which include relocating, retooling, and regrouping.
We practice these within the Futureproof.Town community.

We can practice the time-tested and history-proven patterns of survival used by our ancestors throughout the entirety of humanity. We can have our own independent setup to relocate away from these systems of dependency, and progress by willing to retool towards independence. And, we don't have to do it alone; we can regroup with others to pioneer into future frontiers.

Community-societies of a certain size have the most optimal dynamic to thrive and be established in new pioneer-town settlements since they have the balance of independence and interdependence between individuals and the community.
for our families. for our futures. for our ancestors and future humanity. Let's do this!
Relocate. Retool. Regroup.

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>Start here: The Futureproof Way
Autonomy: Futureproof for WORK.
Relevancy: Futureproof for EDUCATION.
Vitality: Futureproof for HEALTHCARE.
Optionality: Futureproof for FOOD.
Campfire: Insights on The Futureproof Way

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