Futureproof Fundamentals.

Futureproof Fundamentals.

In many ways, there is an element of survival and natural selection throughout our collective human history. There is balance and order (in a natural or Divine way). Those who are willing and able to adapt, survive and are naturally selected (or chosen) to progress forwards. Those who aren't willing or adaptable, do not.

During transitions between distinct periods in human history, there are major disruptions and shifts, with the retiring of increasingly outdated methods and tools and their replacement by newer tools and methods. Change is as inevitable as the history of our collective humanity.

Change is constant throughout. And adaptation is what differentiates those who survive through periods of changes, and those whose families have futures in which to possibly thrive. Conscious adaptation allows for personal choices to better navigate through historical changes, rather than becoming forcefully swept along by these waves.

Those reading this would have likely experienced the transition period from analog to digital, perhaps even from carrying several physical devices to eventually carrying only one. We are still in the transition period, even though it has lasted a couple of decades, but we can see the increasing replacements taking place. We can and will see more replacements throughout society as our platforms, methods and tools continue to change between energy states.

So, how do we adapt through these particular changes in our time?
In other words, how do we Futureproof ourselves?

Looking through lessons in historical periods, there are three fundamental ways:
1. Re-locate
2. Re-tool
3. Re-group

Relocating and Resettling

During historical periods of great change and transition, you will notice relocation and resettlement taking place. Imagine the troubles in the past when relocating and resettling meant packing everything and making the journey with a handful of those willing? Not everyone in the community makes this journey. Most of the aged, the handicap, the unwilling would remain. Imagine those who happen to be pregnant.

Depending on the urgency of circumstances that spurred the desire to survive and adapt to coming changes, the relocating and resettling could take place with immediacy or over a period of time (that was available yet limited) before the window of opportunity became less optimal or closed entirely.

New settlements and communities are always created during periods of change and transition. The journey of relocation and resettlement is one essential fundamental way that marks those who adapt and survive into the future.


During these historical periods of great change and transition, you will also notice the emergence of those practicing the use of tools and methods that were previously unavailable or undiscovered. Their emergence will often be greeted with skepticism and apprehension, and might even be resisted and vilified for getting results in a way that is currently unrecognized or un"validated" by the current status quo. Their differentiation from "what works before" is a source of discomfort for the majority. Their new tools will be frowned upon and even scorned as lacking the legitimacy of the past's true (time-tested) way.

However, those who practice newer tools to increasingly skillful levels will begin to either carve out new paths into new domains of mastery or simply surpass those relying on tools from a previous period, era, or age in history. Those tools from the past are beautiful to behold and have a place of honor for bringing us through a period of time up to the present, but they also (like all things natural) have their time where they too will be put to rest and replaced with tools that will now take the human story to the next period.

So, each tool will also have their time in our collective human story. Just like no person can outlive their time on the earth, no tool will outlive their use on the earth. Human beings will be born, will die, and will be replaced by the next human being born thereafter. In the same way, tools will be crafted and used, and will be replaced by the next tool being crafted thereafter.

The wise will adapt by choosing to become skillful with tools that are meant to take human beings into the next (future) period of their collective story. This is clearly seen by our remembrance of tools (and those who created and crafted them) which enabled and empowered humans who used them to transition into the (future) next period of history.


The third fundamental (that I have noticed regarding those who adapt and survive during time of great change and transition throughout human history) is the chosen behavior of regrouping in communities and clusters that have similar values, beliefs, and shared vision for the future.

It is difficult to survive against the odds when it's one against the currents of historical change and transition. And the solo individual against all odds in typical movie entertainment is ultimately enjoyable fantasy, but eventually ends in disillusionment and depression when confronted with reality. Throughout history, the ones who survive are those who ingrain themselves into a small community with healthy dynamics of interaction and exchange, that foster trust, loyalty and shared purpose.

This is why the military place so much emphasis on squad dynamics and unit interactions; because their lives depend on it. In a war scenario, having a squad (or group) operating with a shared vision and interacting with the same values will mean a higher chance of survival and success. They have better odds in surviving through the war, and also be successful in missions related to both survival and in progressing forwards.

And this is also seen throughout human history with tribes that hunt and survive, or plant and harvest. They relocate where and when necessary, they sharpen their tools, and they go together. with the same goal and focus.


For those still living in this time of great change and transition, (analog to digital to web 3.0, developments in blockchain cryptography, AI, robotics), the Futureproof fundamentals still apply, so your odds for survival (and thriving) increases if/when you:

  1. Re-locate: Become time/location-independent.
    Today, it not only refers to relocating geographically to a different region in your world, it also means relocating online. This is even more necessary today because it lets you be time/location-independent, and doing this empowers you to go beyond time and space. 24/7 unlimited. This wasn't possible in the past!
  2. Re-tool: Become tool-dependent.
    Tool is Technology. Remember this. It is the same. A hammer is analog technology at work. A 3D printer is an digital-analog technology at work.
    Becoming skillful in new tools (technologies) will Futureproof yourself, your families, your companies. This is what history shows us.
  3. Re-group: Become human interdependent.
    Look for the right group(s) for you to be proactively interactive with others and become part of community. The right group is one where you have shared values and beliefs, but also growth potential. Many people are conditioned to complain and remain the way they are. Lots of groups "enable" members but very few empower them.

Make no mistake, we are living in and through a time of intense shifts and changes. The conflux of major historical factors like rises and declines of opposing nation-states, expressed through their desperate power-play in controlling and influencing internal and external conflict between societies and economies, and pushing compliance across technologies (tools) and health dependencies.

If want a Futureproofed life, consider this the Futureproof Formula: Relocate. Retool. Regroup. These fundamentals have been the same in our human history throughout great changes, upheavals and transitions between periods, eras, and ages. The ones who have better odds of surviving and futureproofing themselves and own worlds are those who adapt by relocating, retooling, and regrouping. The ones who decreased their odds are those who resisted or actively ignored the changes and transitions taking place in front of them and all around them.

Additional Notes:

Regarding Relocating, there's no other previous time in recorded human history where you could relocate beyond time and space, and be time/location-independent.

Why is this important? Because if you are time/location-dependent, you are limited in what and how you trade and earn. What you trade and earn "offline" in life will have the restrictive confines of time and space, thus limiting you.

However, when you relocate online, what you trade and earn "online" in life will not be restricted by time and space, thereby letting you go 24/7 unlimited.

Regarding Retooling, it's important to note that Tools (Technologies) are only meant to multiply: speed, quantity, size, etc. The purpose of tools is leverage. There's no morality or ethics attached. Tools function to multiply, not moralize.
Tools (Technologies) are the What, How, How much, etc, but aren't the Why, Vision, or Direction. Tools do. Humans decide.

So, in an age of rampant tool development, the inspired (in-spirit) human is the one who has a higher vision to point out their direction and decide the path on which they carve out with these tools.

Tools aren't good or evil. Those who wield the tools are the ones who are good or evil. By rehumanizing and focusing on service to humanity, tools are wielded with useful liberating functions. By dehumanizing and focusing on only profiting from humanity, tools are wielded with their harmful enslaving function.

We must invest in rehumanizing education and deepening into our humanity.
to become relevant leaders, capable of directing the use of new tools with a vision that is optimal in service to humanity.

Regarding Regrouping, it takes some initial effort to relearn how to reconnect and relate with others in a community in healthy and productive ways, especially for those who have been living in cities (which tend to dehumanize individuals or shape them into functioning utilities).

Cities tend to be overpopulated or hugely populated, and in order for there to be functioning order, lots of rules and regulations are reinforced to the point where humans practice very little decisional discretion and ownership of their choices. Over time, city-dwellers become addicted (or perhaps used) to expected functionalities, and have a comfortably (or perhaps familiarly) conditioned existence. Most things have been decided by default for them, and planned beforehand, and they are merely the recipients of the changes foisted on them.

Possibly the only sense of power that city-dwellers have is their ability to purchase. Their buying power is where they measure almost everything. Hence, city interactions are mostly transactional. And hence, city-dwellers tend to think that in order to obtain something, it has to be in the form of a purchase, and thus, everything comes down to a price. They also unconsciously associate their value in their purchasing power. and see it as what they can offer.

The essence of community is exchange. The challenge for city-dwellers is to understand that transactions are exchanges but not all exchanges are transactions.
Non-city inhabitants are more aware of the need for community and exchanging in ways and on levels that go beyond transactions.

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Start here: The Futureproof Way
Autonomy: Futureproof for WORK.
Relevancy: Futureproof for EDUCATION.
Vitality: Futureproof for HEALTHCARE.
Optionality: Futureproof for FOOD.
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