Futureproof Manifesto

Futureproof Manifesto

At Futureproof.Town, we believe in solutions for the future that start today, and that means taking action in present moments to create and contribute momentum towards our personal best FutureSelf.

    We believe it's easier to predict and influence our "FutureSelf" than the "Future" because the Future is subject to factors beyond our control, whilst our FutureSelf is directly within our sphere of actionable influence. In fact, our FutureSelf is simply the compound result of our repeated actions over a period of time, from the present to an effectual point in a Future moment.
    We believe that there are ways to Futureproof Yourself, your families, and your work. We define Futureproof as being able to outlast and thrive through life challenges and world changes.
    We believe the ways and wisdom needed to Futureproof are already found throughout our human history, since all our ancestors have survived through life challenges and world changes. How do I know? Reasonably speaking, if you were reading this, you would be proof that those that came before you managed to outlast and thrive through life challenges and world changes to get you here.
    We believe the ways and wisdom found throughout human history to Futureproof include Relocating, Retooling, and Regrouping during historic times of challenges, changes, and crises. We refer to these as Futureproof Fundamentals because these are successful survival behaviors seen time and time again, throughout history.
    We believe successful survivors also thrived because
    (1) they knew when to take it upon themselves to act, regardless of the opinions of others (which are usually fearful and worrisome);
    (2) they knew how to take care of themselves for their own vitality and health;
    (3) they invested in training themselves to be relevant and have advantageous leverage, and
    (4) they were willing to be adroit and adaptable enough to move wherever necessary and favorable
    We refer to establishing a Futureproof Foundation with:
    Authority. Vitality. Optionality. Relevancy
    We believe that to Futureproof Yourself, it would be wise to establish your Futureproof Foundation with practices: to Authorize Yourself, Take Care of Yourself, Relocate Yourself, and Invest in Yourself.
  6. OUR TIME:
    We believe we are currently living through global changes with world empires declining, emerging, and clashing, along with the disruptive shifts that technology is introducing to the way we work and live. Old institutions of hierarchical power are struggling to keep up with these technologies in so many sectors. And if we don't Futureproof ourselves like what our ancestors did, we will end up like those who didn't make it.
  7. ACTION:
    We believe doing what our ancestors did in present times would fundamentally translate to relocating online, retooling digitally, relevantly, masterfully; and regrouping strategically. And to develop the courage to exercise personal authority, the care of ourselves for personal vitality, the willingness to change for personal optionality, the investing in themselves for personal relevancy and clarity.
    We believe pioneering ones during this time have to be online town founders, architects and builders, so as to accommodate those who relocate online, and resettle within online town communities, and are regrouped and purposefully mentored in relevant knowledge and skills that empower their best FutureSelf.
    With the limited time we have, we believe our efforts and expertise must best be invested in
    (1) those who are willing to invest in their own FutureSelf, and desiring to invest in the Futureproofing of their families, themselves, and their work,
    (2) those pioneers and teachers whose life-empowering work can be further established, expanded (and we can Futureproof) if they are willing to invest in developing their own "online mentoring community" with us.
    To be of optimal service during this time we are collectively living through, we will focus our efforts and expertise towards:
    online relocation for select-patrons and
    online construction for client-partners.
    (1) We will invest in purposefully mentoring those who are seeking to relocate online, to retool digitally, and regroup within online mentoring communities.
    (2) We will offer our signature service in Community Town Architecturing and Construction to establish online town settlements for our client-partners.

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Start here: The Futureproof Way
Autonomy: Futureproof for WORK.
Relevancy: Futureproof for EDUCATION.
Vitality: Futureproof for HEALTHCARE.
Optionality: Futureproof for FOOD.
>Campfire: Insights on The Futureproof Way

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