New Frontiers are Our Future

New Frontiers are Our Future

Throughout history, there have always been times where people were required to relocate from increasingly disadvantaged environments into new frontiers for survival or for better opportunities to thrive.

In all these times, current circumstances were no longer favorable or even tolerable and conducive for a desirable quality of life. And they had the choice to venture into frontiers with potential benefits that they were unfamiliar with, or to remain in a current struggle that they were familiar with. Swim or tread water. Go or give up. Risk and possibly receive, or remain and likely regress.

"Go West, young man" is a phrase often credited to the American author and newspaper editor Horace Greeley, concerning America's expansion westward.
"Washington [D.C.] is not a place to live in. The rents are high, the food is bad, the dust is disgusting and the morals are deplorable. Go West, young man, go West and grow up with the country".— attributed to Horace Greeley, New-York Daily Tribune, July 13, 1865
- In 1865, the American Civil War had just ended after 4 years of bloody fighting, and the West was newer frontier, far from the conflict.
- Also, in 1865, there were still 14 states that had yet to be founded or included into the eventual 50 states that make up today's United States.
Go West, indeed.

People throughout human history, living in Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, and Australia, have had to move. Whichever continent that our ancestors have come from, or have lived, they have moved in order to survive and progress.

This is our collective human experience and reality.

History shows us time and time again, that venturing into new frontiers is venturing into the future. It is the answer to surviving and thriving into the next era of history. Those who recognize the signs and signals to move will understand this as the same call to adventure that their own ancestors heeded which led to their collective survival, and also recognize that their own quest is now about to begin.

By pathfinding and pioneering into new frontiers, humanity not only survives but thrives forward; not only escapes cyclical decline but enters the next wave of expansion. A history of humanity around the world shows seasonal cycles of rise and decline over centuries with empires and environments, and the sojourning of mankind throughout the ages. Nothing is permanent. Yet, the lineage of those who are able to outlast from one age to the next does come from those who were willing to pioneer and relocate into other new frontiers.

Today, with the interconnected web of networks, we have digital worlds that we can venture into as new frontiers with online towns to pioneer, establish and relocate to, where likeminded humans can resettle into valuable interdependent communities that engage, exchange and educate, for us to earn a living online and enjoy a living offline.

We exit forwards with all who invest in futureproofing their FutureSelf; confident that each of our desired FutureSelf will inevitably arrive if we take independent positive actions daily, optimally, and courageously with the real-life compounding effect happening in real-time.

We believe that, just like every period of historic change and shift in eras of civilization, the journey of surviving through into the next era involves certain fundamental actions which are similar enough that they can be recognized as survival patterns, and they serve as "futureproof" fundamentals because these are patterns throughout history that showed those who made it through into the next era (of their future). And we believe that the current time we are in represents another historic time period, so we endeavor to apply a modern approach to these timeless survival patterns, which we refer to as futureproofing.

We would ask "What are you doing today for your FutureSelf and to Futureproof Yourself?"

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Start here: The Futureproof Way
Autonomy: Futureproof for WORK.
Relevancy: Futureproof for EDUCATION.
Vitality: Futureproof for HEALTHCARE.
Optionality: Futureproof for FOOD.
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