Introducing the Futureproof Framework and foundation.

Frameworks are extremely important.
Having a framework for any topic allows for you to construct architecture that encompasses all relevant and necessary things towards a desirable end.

Just like having a home architecture framework, you can ensure ending up with a desirable living situation. Without it, you can't really build anything complete, and are left to guesswork or piecemeal solutions that aren't robust or thorough.

I have an inclination towards precision and being thorough, and tend to think of puzzle-solving in terms of frameworks, so when it came time to converge decades of life and work experiences, and distill my thoughts on optimal decisions in life and work, it became clear to me that the most worthwhile investment in any person's life was into their FutureSelf.

This reality of the inevitable FutureSelf became something I kept contemplating on, and I knew it would be the most useful focal mindset point of reference for any decisions undertaken for professional development and personal success.
The FutureSelf is guaranteed on the way; it is in the making, and it will arrive eventually based on the decisions and choices that are made or not made, from the present over a period of time.

This realization was simple yet profound. I could decide and act in the present day to have an effect on my FutureSelf, and I could do this till eventually I become that desired FutureSelf.

So with realization of this daily-making of the FutureSelf, I began to contemplate:
1. What are the essential decisions that were failsafe and futureproof.
2. What decisions were guaranteed to produce an ideal and optimal FutureSelf?
3. What sort of futureproof "foundation" could ensure human lives that are built on top of it would guarantee a FutureSelf that thrives through life circumstances and world changes?

Gratefully, it didn't take long before the answers emerged from my own journaling practice over the years, which seemed to fit nicely into this contextual framework of Futureproofing. There would be four essential decisions that have to be made.

It became so clear. The questions I contemplated above can be resolved through four essential decisions that would act as 4 pillars of the Futureproof Foundation. These four decision pillars are truly based on decision, because the exercise of our personal choice is the empowerment that is necessary to affect our FutureSelf and cause this "FutureSelf-in-the-making" to happen daily.

These four decision pillars are also failsafe and futureproof, meaning that they are 100% guaranteed for your future gain. There are no downsides, only upsides with these four decision pillars that end up being your Futureproof Foundation. Your desired FutureSelf will arrive when you "Futureproof Yourself" by building on top of a proper "Futureproof Foundation".

So what are these four decision pillars for your Futureproof Foundation?
1. Authorize Yourself
2. Take Care of Yourself
3. Invest in Yourself
4. Re:locate Yourself

These four decision pillars are not sequential, meaning that they can be focused on in any order that is urgent to you in the moment. You can also choose to invest attention to construct or strengthen a pillar during brief periods of time. What is important is making sure that all four are eventually worked on, because they each represent a vital pillar.

I'll briefly explain the importance of each pillar.

The decision pillar to Authorize Yourself is crucial in order to exercise and experience your discretionary power to decide. It opens your awareness to how much power you unnecessarily give away in the game of life. It highlights how much you unconsciously wait for permission to live fully, to decide confidently, to act directly.

Very few of us grow fully beyond the stage of unconsciously still seeking externals to validate our lives, having been trained since young and throughout our lives, always being in subservience to another human that we allow to preside over us.

Our FutureSelf will be in severe jeopardy if we do not dare mature into authorizing ourselves in our decisions, choices, and actions. Conversely, when we are capable of calmly and confidently authorizing ourselves in our own lives, our FutureSelf grows in certainty, and we futureproof ourselves from any futures involving victimhood. Our future will always progress forward by developing our own growing authority.

The decision pillar to Take Care of Yourself is necessary for a FutureSelf exuding with health and vitality. It is also how we Futureproof ourselves from entropy and decline. City people are increasingly failing to take care of themselves and have become dependent on the medical-pharma industry, without realizing they have the decisive power to take care of themselves in the present, which transforms their soon-arriving FutureSelf. This is also important because Taking Care of Yourself means that you Feel Good, and you Feel Good About Yourself.

The decision pillar to Invest in Yourself is necessary for future-relevance. This includes relevant learning and education beyond academics, and never forgetting the importance of developing and humanizing yourself in all that you do. In an age of increased technology, there is much benefit in continuing to cultivate curiosity and reflecting on the relevance of what is emerging. At the same time, there is equal (or more) benefit in deepening into your humanity because that is what connects us at a deeper unconscious level.

The decision pillar to Re:locate Yourself (as part of your Futureproof Foundation) is necessary for expanding your options in the years to come. In my contemplation and journaling, I noted the layers of meaning to this pillar. In reference to relocating yourself, it can be applied in regards to a geographical relocation; or applied in regards to an inner shift within yourself; or in regards to a different space or state, such as online. In fact, quite overtly, I would say that relocating yourself online is a crucial and necessary pillar for your Futureproof Foundation.

These essential four decision pillars, when combined, give us a strong Futureproof Foundation that is failsafe and guaranteed to produce an ideal and optimal FutureSelf that can thrive through life circumstances and world changes, because we have inner Authority, healthy Vitality, human Relevancy,
wider Optionality

With the essential four decision pillars squarely in four corners of the Futureproof Foundation, I will add an extra pillar right in the center that reinforces the entire foundation; and that is Commit to Right Community. Even though you can and will Futureproof Yourself with a Futureproof Foundation built on pillars of Authority, Vitality, Relevancy, and Optionality; history shows us that tribes and communities have better chance of surviving together, especially if they are aligned together with similar life-empowering values.

This is the reason why I decided to create the Futureproof Community to be the right community for those seeking to Futureproof their family and their livelihood +freedom using this Futureproof Foundation, along with others who share this vision of joining in the daily-making of their FutureSelf.

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Start here: The Futureproof Way
Autonomy: Futureproof for WORK.
Relevancy: Futureproof for EDUCATION.
Vitality: Futureproof for HEALTHCARE.
Optionality: Futureproof for FOOD.
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