The Futureproof Way

To be Futureproof is to be Sovereign,
and thus self-independent.
We have to rethink how we currently exist and identify where we have become so dependent that we have lost our own autonomy, which is a dangerously vulnerable position to be in.

The Futureproof Way is focused on developing our own capabilities, options, and independence to regain our secure and free personal domain for a quality life.

From Current Dependencies to Futureproof Independence.

Check out the embedded presentation below to understand the context of our mission to go from "city-society systems of dependency" to "Futureproof Independent Setups".

"4 Societal Pillars (Current Dependencies and Futureproof Independence)"

Every period in human history demonstrates that it requires wise and timely change of actions to make it between phases; to exit the past and enter the future.

We have a map, and a compass, and the way to futureproof. >

The Futureproof Way involves
- the construction of Futureproof Foundation pillars for FutureSelf independence,
- the application of Futureproof Fundamentals as proven historic pattern for survival, and
- the practice of "Futureproofing", which is "the consistent and continued development of capabilities and options to withstand and outlast future impact"
to practically and literally become Futureproof.

Humans grow when they allow for the natural context of life (experiencing uncertainty and certainty) instead of being reduced to functional cogs in the unnatural construct of forced city-societal systems (that train, reward, and inevitably condition our dependency on certainty).

Societal Thresholds: this explains a lot! click!

Societies have thresholds for responsible and purposeful interaction, and meaningful connection.
So when we go beyond community-size societies that are built on necessary responsible interdependence, and continue pushing further into city-size societies that can only function properly with systems that lead to increasing dependence and unthinking adherence, we have crossed the threshold of a healthy society.

Societies beyond a certain size threshold are not conducive for human flourishing, because individuals end up inevitably dehumanized and reduced to a “necessary” functioning cog in a “necessary” system just to keep the society going at all costs.

  • The severity of this can be observed with the “need” for more enforced control and imposing stricter compliance to these systems, (surrendering individual will and thought at all expense), in order for these systems to function with rigid, linear-tracked predictability in these city-societies.
  • They certainly have a well-functioning Construct that is conducive for the replication of predictable humanoid cogs to be easily fitted or replaced inside these very same systems that keep itself going, and reward those who run it.
  • So the question is “How do we view our life, and our humanity?” and “How can we return towards a more community-sized societal environment and have setups that reclaim our independence to cultivate the fullness of our potential and our humanity?”

Human potential is explored and rediscovered within a more naturalistic context (containing experiences and interactions with uncertainty and certainty), just like being exposed to that same dynamic in Nature. Our humanity is forged within responsible interdependent communities as we survive and progress with others into the future.

Summary of Society-size Thresholds

Community-societies have a size threshold that allows for independent exploration and interdependent responsibility, and this provides the natural balance of self-discovery and self-restraint within shared needs and corresponding initiatives for their more balance-sized society.

City-societies cross this balanced threshold, relinquish self-initiative and rely on collective-dependence on systems, which end up empowering and enriching those who run those city-society systems, and even emboldening them to enforce the “necessary” controls to ensure the “better” functioning and perpetuation of these systems, even when signs of their limits and side-effects are increasingly detected.

By establishing our Futureproof Foundation Pillars using our own Independent Setups will certainly progress us toward a healthier position of well-being for our FutureSelf.

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>Start here: The Futureproof Way
Autonomy: Futureproof for WORK.
Relevancy: Futureproof for EDUCATION.
Vitality: Futureproof for HEALTHCARE.
Optionality: Futureproof for FOOD.
>Campfire: Insights on The Futureproof Way

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